Thursday, October 4, 2012

Cooking from Vegan MoFo: Ukrainian Cabbage Rolls

While thrifting with my sister I found many a treasure. I snatched up a working dehydrator for ten bucks and a huge baby blue pot that is large enough to use as a canning pot. While browsing a furniture store my sister handed me a book. I opened it and decreed 'Getting it!' It was “Traditional Ukrainian Cookery”. My sister was a little disappointed that I was so excited for if I had been nonchalant about this find she would have adopted it. I did email her the recipe for Nachynka (a type of cornbread) for which she was harboring a ten year long craving. Nachynka is standard fare at small town Saskatchewan Legion potlucks.

When embarking on cabbage rolls I turned to “Traditional Ukrainian Cookery” for insight. “In the summer beet, lettuce, or spinach leaves may take the place of cabbage. In the grape-growing areas of Ukraine, the filling is often encased in grape leaves.” (pg 215) Upon advice from this cookbook, I omitted the tomato sauce in favor of lemon juice mixed with water. I did this because tomato sauce isn't my favorite ingredient (especially when it comes to Campbell Tomato Soup). I would recommend a somewhat more flavorful sauce than mere water with lemon juice as my cabbage rolls were a little lackluster.

The recipe and MoFo inspiration is: The Real Meal

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