Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Coming Home to the Kitchen: Review of 'The Way of the Hedge Witch'

Recently I have been exploring, researching, and discovering the rites, rituals, and beliefs of modern day witches. I confess I find the practice of spellcasting and their belief in fairies bizarre but the focus of kitchen witches (or hedge witches) on the spiritual hearth and the innate sacred nature of domestic activity intriguing to say the least.

My childhood home did not abound in love and safety. As a consequence of growing up in an instable home my adult homes have always been viewed as temporary and I have always viewed myself as not deserving of a nice home environment.  

Hearth witches focus on the energy created inside a home. 

A lavender door wreath reminds one to come into the home with peace and tranquility in their hearts. A candle on the stove (the modern day hearth) reminds one of the lineage of historical cooks whose food had made it possible for you to stand before the stove today. We've changed a few things about our home, inspired by my readings on kitchen witches, and have felt better, more at peace, and calmer in our home.

Here's a few interesting quotes from the book. 

“There's a lot of emotional energy tied up with home-based activity...” (51)

“The home is the root of your family's energy and spirituality. If you are working to honor and strengthen it, and to make it as peaceful and spiritually nourishing as possible for you and your family, it only makes sense to protect it from harm or attack.” (116)

“What makes hearthcraft so special is that the principles of it dovetail – if fact, are – the things you do every day in your home. In essence, this book is designed to help you recognize those things, and lend awareness to them so that you can appreciate them all the more.” (5)

This book, “The Way of the Hedge Witch Rituals and Spells for Hearth and Home” by Arin Murphy - Hiscock is an interesting read. I recommend it whole heartily to those interested in kitchen witchcraft and those interesting in making their homes comforting and peaceful.

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