Monday, May 14, 2012

My kitchen: Chef's Knife

I love this knife.

Partially because it is an amazing knife.

Partially because it reminds me of my husband.

For years I talked about purchasing a 'good' knife. I was collecting kitchen gadgets like they were going out of style but I was cutting on a tiny broken cutting board with a $10 knife that was 5+ years old. It was time for an update.

As an amateur cook, I tended to think that 'good' knifes were for the 'good' cooks but a well-made, properly cared for knife is the best kitchen tool one can have. Regardless of kitchen talent or skill.

My husband took me to a knife store. It was not long before we were headed home with this beautiful knife and a proper cutting board. 

I was making homemade pizza for supper - not unlike today - and I set my husband out for toppings while I started the sauce and crust. He brought me back a ton of ingredients that required chopping! Whole olives. Peppers. Tomatoes.  

I diced a potato that night. For no reason.

And now, several months later, I love this knife.
   It reminds me of the generosity of my husband.
   It ties together the pass and future - as it will prepare many meals for my family and friends.

I love this knife.
It has not cut me yet (and I hope it never does!)

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