1. While the Popinator may encapsulate all that is wrong with Western society... I'd still buy one! 2. As you can tell from my "From Scratching" tag, I enjoy making when the rest of the world buys so homemade coconut butter seems like a good idea. 3. Sador Ellix Katz, the godfather of fermentation, visits Momofuko Noodle Bar. A. I thought he lived on a commune B. His "Art of Fermentation" is already on it's third printing C. He started with a zine! D. Read about it here. 4. Pick-your-own orchards represent all that is wrong with America in this article. 5. And of course, the state of food writing. I'll be back in October for Vegan MoFo. My theme will be Toronto. In the meantime, follow me on twitter @Sarah999 for more food tweets!
I love picnics. I love biking to some remote and interesting part of this great city. And simply hanging out. No matter how much I love them, I can never manage to satisfy my picnic urge. All to quickly it is September and picnic season is coming to an end. The summer got away from me this year. Travel, moving, planning and bam hello October. Maybe this will be the year I get in some fall and winter picnics!
I've compiled a few picnic DIY's to motivate a late season picnic or to encourage some winter crafting (and next summer planning!) 1. Picnics aren't picnics without straws.
2. The food of a picnic can be carefully planned or more impromptu (PB&J anyone?) but the picnic basket is a crucial aspect. Something functional is a must but something cute makes the picnic experience special. This tutorial is for butcher paper picnic baskets.
He doesn't look as spiffy as this version, but come picnic season next year he will! If you missed picnic and bike season this year, check out my pinterest boards - Bike Happy and Picnic. What will you miss most about summer?
1. Science: Bacon cures hangovers. Interesting - but is it enough to curb my vegan ways? I don't think so! 2. All you fancy I-phone having peeps may appreciate these amazing food apps. 3. Pop-ups getting you down? The Finns have you covered. 4. Worried about your mothering skills? At least you have this mom beat! 5. A fluff piece on the food writing words you shouldn't use. And of course, MoFo comes. Sign up! Follow me on twitter @Sarah999 for more food related love.
The main character, Rose Edelstein, discovers in her youth that she has the amazing talent of being able to taste the feelings of the chef in the dish that they cook. This talent has drastic consequences as it results in her discovery of the profound sadness of her mother. Rose is unable to eat with pleasure, except on rare occasions as it is difficult to find truly happy chefs. It soon becomes apparent that she is not the only one in the family with a special talent. Her brother dies of his, and her distant father is scared of his undiscovered talent. In the end, Rose discovers that her talent has very practical applications.
The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake seamlessly blends fantasy and realistic fiction. The realistic parts of the novel allow the reader to connect to and with the various characters. The fantasy creates interest and a unique story line. The very last chapter segment should have been cut as it muddles the conclusions that were previously drawn. Overall, a very worthwhile read!
1. Obama gets cooler with his homebrew. 2. What will astronauts eat on the trip to mars? 3. Check this out! " The Feeding America project has created an online collection of some of the most important and influential American cookbooks from the late 18th to early 20th century." 4. The history of the pizzacutter! 5. Dirty Candy - a very interesting looking cookbook!
Follow me on twitter @Sarah999 for more interesting food stories!
After a few grape picks one realizes that there are only so many things to do with a bounty of grapes. I've made a store of grape jam and these lovely green grapes were to perfect to squish and boil so pickling it was. Pickling creates an entirely new phenomena - sweet and delicately flavored.
Pickled Grapes: 500 ml jar full of stemmed grapes 1 cup white wine vinegar 1 cup sugar 1 1/2 t mustard seeds 1 t peppercorns 1 cinnamon stick 1/4 t salt
Bring vinegar, sugar and spices to a boil. Let cool. Pour over grapes. Refrigerate for a few days before tasting.
1. Cross-Country Cookbook Shelf: Isn't CBC amazing sometimes? 2. An interesting way to preserve herbs. 3. Here are some ways to stop wasting food. Fits into my 2012 year goal of reducing food waste. 4. Cannibals run rampant... 5. If you need some inspiration when making homemade potatoe chips check this out!
I've always been a raspberry jam girl - with seeds! Strawberry was consumed, but not accepted when we ran out of raspberry. There was always 5 or 6 jars of half consumed strawberry jam in the fridge growing up. No one really liked it, especially with 'extra fruit' which were just lumps of sad strawberry.
As die-hard a raspberry fan as I am there are folk out there who only accept PB & Grape sandwiches. Which blows my mind - with the insipid store bought purple colored jam? Why such self hatred?
But with this delicious homemade grape jam? I may just be a convert!
Grape Jam 4 cups grapes 3 cups sugar
Boil grapes and sugar for 20 minutes. Push through a sieve which will remove skins and seeds. Hot water process for 15-20 minutes.